
Best Places to Travel in 2016

Ceramics, Mosaics & an evening in the Valley of the Temples

Our tour starts early in the morning - the journey leads us to the Capital of the Ceramics, Caltagirone. First destination is the Museo Regionale della Ceramica, which is located in the lovely, shady and well maintained town park. On display are pottery and ceramics from prehistoric times to the early 20th century, with particular reference to Caltagirone, which is known for the manufacture of colourful ceramics since the Muslim conquest of Sicily. The next must-see is the famous staircase Scala di Santa Maria del Monte. More than 180 stairs, each decorated with hand painted tiles, lead up to the Baroque church Santa Maria. Hungry? Time for a bite (or two)? Then head for Ristorante Coria, a charming place, just some steps from the staircase - perfect for a light lunch based on fresh fish. After a yummy dessert and a strong caffè we head for the next highlight of the day, the Villa Romana del Casale in Piazza Armerina, where the worlds largest Roman floor mosaics tell of mythology, hunting and daily life at the times of the Roman Emperors. These wonderful artworks are another must-see for every Sicily visitor. The last stage for today is Agrigento, where we will spend the night. But before resting our heads in one of the most beautiful and elegant hotels in the whole of Sicily, Villa Athena, we will first have a wonderful dinner on the terrace of the Ristorante Il Dehors, which belongs to the hotel Baglio della Luna, and then go on the evening tour to the Valley of the Temples. It is an unforgettable experience: the ancient Greek Temples bathed in golden flood light, under the black star-spangled sky. Very kitschy and very romantic, so it is best to come here with your love.

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